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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Kamis, 27 April 2017


Question :
1.      Kalau sekarang hujan , maka motor saya basah
2.      Seandainya nanti saya lulus, saya akan mendapat hadiah
3.      Kalau saja sekarang saya banyak uang, saya akan memberikan kamu mobil
4.      Seandainya saya daun, kamu batangnya
5.      Kalau saja saya punya sayap, saya akan terbang tinggi
6.      Jika kita makan satu apel setiap hari, tubuh kita sehat
7.      Jika semua mata kuliah saya lulus, maka saya akan di wisuda kurang dari 6 bulan lagi
8.      Seandainya nanti pulang cepat, saya akan mampir kerumah mu
9.      Seandainya saat ini saya sakit , maka saya tidak bisa kuliah
10.  Seandainya dulu aku dan kamu tidak mendaftar di Universitas GUnadarma, maka kita tidak akan sling mengenal
11.  Jika saja dulu saya belajar dengan rajin, maka 6 bulan lagi saya di wisuda

Answer :
1.      If it’s raining now, then my motor will wet – type 1
2.      If I have graduated, I will get gift – type 1
3.      If I have much money now, I wil give you car – type 1
4.      If I had leaves, you would be a stem – type 2
5.      If I had wings, I would fly high – type 2
6.      If we eat one apple everyday, our body will be health – type 1
7.      If my subject is pass, so I will graduation less than 6 month later – type 1
8.      If I can go home soon, I will come by your house – type 1
9.      If I am sick now, so I can’t go to the college – type 2
10.  If I and you had not registered in the Gunadarma University, so we would not know each other – type 3

11.  If I studied diligently, then six month later I would graduation – type 3